Bojensen Blogs

Tag: Query

X++ code to Count Records in Query

  Following code illustrates how we can use SysQuery::countTotal() method to get the number of records in Query. static void Query_cntRecords(Args _args) {     Query                query = new Query();     QueryRun             queryRun;     QueryBuildDataSource qbd;     ;     qbd = query.addDataSource(tablenum(CustTable));     queryRun = new QueryRun(query);     info(strfmt("Total Records in Query %1",SysQuery::countTotal(queryRun))); } Microsoft Dynamics…

Dynamics Ax Internals: Quick walk-through of developing a report in Ax2012

The following is a quick-and-dirty approach to building a basic SSRS report in Ax2012. This uses an Ax query as the primary datasource, and uses display methods on the table(s) to retrieve additional information. This is not an approach you should take for all reports, particularly those that require more complex calculations or parameters, but…