Bojensen Blogs

Programming for Dynamics AX: Working with dates in x++

These are some good methods for working with the dates.

today(); //Returns the current date

321, // sequence of date parts 3=year 2=month 1=day
DateSeparator::Hyphen, // separator1
DateSeparator::Hyphen, // separator2

str2Date("2011-06-30",321) // turns the string into a date

mthofyr(today()) //returns the current month as a integer.

year(today()) //returns the current year as a integer.

dayofmth(today()) //returns the dat as a integer.

If you are working UTCDates that was introduces in AX 2009 there is a class called DateTimeUtil that contains all the functions that is needed. For utcdates use datetimeutil::utcNow() instead of today()
Records that are displayed in ax without a date are stored in the database as 1900-01-01.

Programming for Dynamics AX: Working with dates in x++

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