Bojensen Blogs

Blank, last page in SSRS-Report Addicted2AX / Addicted2SQL

Ok, it took some time but here is a new entry. A short one.

You may face this problem sooner or later, when creating a SSRS-report with SQL Server 2008. It can happen with both plain Reporting Services and SSRS with Dynamics AX 2012.
After creating a report all looks fine, till you reach the end of the report. Although the last page with report-data has plenty of space left, there is a last completely empty – meaning white page – at the end of the report.
With Reporting Services for SQL Server 2005 you did not face this kind of problem, because white spaces are removed automatically. This is not a bug just a changed behavior.
But how to solve this problem with SQL Server 2008?
Quite simple: Just select the properties of the report. Look for the ConsumeContainerWhitespace-property. If the value is FALSE change it to TRUE and your problem with a last white page in SSRS-reports should be history.
Tipp: If you have the problem that there is a page with report-data, followed by a blank one, followed by a page with report data, a blank one and so on, the problem is different but as easy to solve. Just make sure that Body Width of the report + Left margin + Right margin are together smaller than the Page Width.

Addicted2AX / Addicted2SQL

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