Bojensen Blogs

Compile and CIL Generation errors when reporting extensions is not installed

Under certain circumstances, you may receive the following
compile or CIL generation errors when installing Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.

SysStartupCmdGenerateSsasProject (object) has no valid
runable code in method ‘buildProject’.

BIGenerator (object) has no valid runable code in method

BIAnalysisServicesProjectController (object) has no valid
runable code in method ‘buildProject’.

These methods are related to the Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Framework.Analytics.DLL and is installed with Reporting Extensions and is installed to by default:

C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Dynamics AX60ClientBin

In addition this DLL may call into the some of the Microsoft SQL server (SSRS) DLLs Microsoft.AnalysisServices which is installed to C:windowsassemby

In order to fix the problem, run the compile and CIL generation from a machine, where these components are installed and ensure that the SQL AMO objects are also installed. To download the SQL AMO Objects see

Compile and CIL Generation errors when reporting extensions is not installed. – Microsoft Dynamics AX Support – Site Home – MSDN Blogs

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