Bojensen Blogs

AX TADKA: Get list of all open windows using X++ Code


static void xppGetAllWindowsOpen(Args _args) { hWnd Parent; hWnd handle; hWnd mdi; #WinApi dialog d = new Dialog(); DialogTabPage dt; str text; ; d.caption("All the windows"); d.windowType(FormWindowType::PopUp); Parent = infolog.hWnd(); mdi = WinApi::getWindow(Parent, #GW_CHILD); handle = WinApi::getWindow(mdi, #GW_CHILD); text = WinApi::getWindowText(handle); if(text) { dt = d.addTabPage(text); d.addText(text); } if(handle) { while(handle) { handle = WinApi::getWindow(handle, #GW_HWNDNEXT); text = WinApi::getWindowText(handle); if(text) { dt = d.addTabPage(text); d.addText(text); } } }; }

AX TADKA: Get list of all open windows using X++ Code

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