Bojensen Blogs

Updating the caller Form/DataSource

If we need to notify events to the caller form we can try this pattern:

In the child form, make a method named updateCaller and invoke it when you want to notify the parent:

void updateCaller()
    Common common;
    Object dataSource;
    Object caller;

    //We are notifying using the dataSource
    common = element.args().record();
    if (common
        && common.isFormDataSource()
        && formDataSourceHasMethod(common.dataSource(), identifierstr(SomethingWasHappend)))
        dataSource = common.dataSource();

    //We are notifying using the form
    caller = element.args().caller();
    if (caller
        && classidget(caller) == classnum(SysSetupFormRun)
        && formHasMethod(caller, identifierstr(SomethingWasHappend)))

Implement the handling method in the parent form:

void SomethingWasHappend()
    info("Something was happend (Form)");

Or if you prefer, in the DataSource:

void SomethingWasHappend()
    info("Something was happend (DataSource)");

Invoking it from a simple button inside the child form:

void clicked()


See a pratical sample in the form MarkupTrans (DataSource -> method write).

C# and AX Development: Updating the caller Form/DataSource

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