Bojensen Blogs

Kategori: Microsoft SQL Server

Dynamics AX 2012 error when running SSRS-reports just after deleting a table field from report's temporary table – Addicted2AX / Addicted2SQL

When designing reports I sometimes faced a strange problem. After testing a new SSRS-report successfully I am always checking the SSRS-report’s temporary tables for table fields which were created by me during design-process but which are not used at the end (e.g. because of design-changes).

Some reports in Dynamics AX 2012 do not fit to page properly when printed | ERP Technician

With the release of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, the report design and delivery platform changed significantly from the previous version. Reporting has shifted away from native X++ reports designed in MorphX to SSRS reports designed in Visual Studio. While working with AX 2012, some of the new SSRS reports will not render as expected when…

Playing with SSRS report in dynamics ax 2012

  How to print the SSRS report in dynamics ax 2012 from code. SrsReportRun srsReportRun; // initiate the report. srsReportRun = new SrsReportRun ("InventTruckTransactionReport.PrecisionDesign1"); srsReportRun.init(); srsReportRun.reportCaption("InventTruckTransactionReport.PrecisionDesign1"); // set parameters name, value. srsReportRun.reportParameter("TruckTransDS_JournalId").value("000161_070"); // suppress the dialog srsReportRun.showDialog(false); if( srsReportRun ) {     // run the report     srsReportRun.executeReport(); } How to save the SSRS report…

Ax 2012 Deploy reports through code « Shashi's Ax.Net Space

These lines deploys SSRS Reports with X++ Code – Remember not to run this code in CIL or you will get runtime error. SRSReportManager srsRptMgr = new SRSReportManager(); SSRSReportConceptNode node = new SSRSReportConceptNode(); node = TreeNode::findNode(@"SSRS ReportsReportsSalesInvoice"); srsRptMgr.deploymentStart(); srsRptMgr.deployReport(node); srsRptMgr.deploymentEnd();   Ax 2012 Deploy reports through code « Shashi’s Ax.Net Space